2D Finite Volume Euler Solver 

Project Overview: 2D Finite-Volume Euler Solver for Supersonic Flow

This project aims to develop a 2D finite-volume solver for the Euler equations, solving supersonic flow over a diamond-shaped airfoil using different numerical schemes. The primary methods include Steger-Warming Flux Vector Splitting (FVS). The solver should initially implement a first-order accurate scheme. 

File Structure and Code Organization

The code is structured around a finite-volume discretization of the Euler equations. Each file contributes to different aspects of the numerical solver:

1. Initialization and Boundary Conditions

  • initializeQ & stegerINITIALIZE:

    • Set initial flow conditions using given density, velocity, and pressure values.
    • Compute flux vectors E and F for numerical flux evaluations.
    • stegerINITIALIZE specifically implements the Steger-Warming flux splitting method.
  • firstcolumn:

    • Initializes the first column of the computational domain, setting the state vector Q and flux terms.
    • Uses ghost cells to enforce boundary conditions.
  • slipwall2:

    • Implements adiabatic slip-wall boundary conditions.
    • Adjusts velocity components to maintain tangential flow along walls.

2. Core Computational Functions

  • Fluxcalc:

    • Computes the fluxes E and F at each cell face.
    • Uses conservative variables: Q=[ρ,ρu,ρv,ρ_et]
    • Pressure is recovered using:
      • P=0.4×(ρ_et−0.5ρ(u_2+v_2))P
  • iter & stegIter:

    • Main iteration loop for solving the Euler equations.
    • Computes the updated state Q at each time step using flux differences.
  • timestep:

    • Determines adaptive time step based on the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition.
    • Ensures numerical stability by computing:
      • Δt=CFL×min⁡( Δx/(U+c), Δy/(V+c) )
    • Speed of sound is computed using:
      • c=γRTc

3. Visualization and Output

  • makeIT:

    • Extracts and stores flow variables (pressure, velocity, density, temperature).
    • Used for post-processing.
  • PLOTiter:

    • Generates plots of velocity contours.
    • Uses color mapping based on normalized velocity values.

Code Flow and Execution

  1. Initialize Grid & Conditions (initializeQ, stegerINITIALIZE)
  2. Apply Boundary Conditions (firstcolumn, slipwall2)
  3. Compute Fluxes (Fluxcalc)
  4. Update Solution (iter, stegIter)
  5. Adjust Time Step (timestep)
  6. Iterate Until Convergence
  7. Post-Processing and Plotting (makeIT, PLOTiter)

Final Objective

The goal is to compute steady-state supersonic flow over the airfoil, verifying results against oblique shock relations. Convergence is measured using L2-norms of residuals, and solutions are validated by comparing them to theoretical shock wave properties.

AE 6042 Final Project Pdf
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Convergence Plots