My research focuses on CO₂ mixing layers, where a higher-temperature, higher-speed stream interacts with a lower-temperature, lower-speed stream. The code simulates these flows, capturing shear layer growth, turbulence anisotropy, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budgets, and vorticity. As of now, I am studying non-reacting ideal gas cases. In time, we will move onto multicomponent cases such as CH₄/O₂, with the possibility of extending to reacting flows for comparison. The goal is to generate high-fidelity datasets at multiple grid resolutions, comparing and investigating supercritical conditions and thermal inhomogeneity effects on turbulence. The ultimate objective is to understand turbulence properties in mixing layers, contributing to improved modeling of high-speed, high-temperature flows.
The research conducted will be the subject of my master's thesis. I am working alongside my advisor Doctor Joseph Oefelein and his Research Engineer Dhruv Purushotham.
Thanks to this research opportunity I'm learning key CFD skills:
- Linux command line - bash
- Python coding
- Methods of solving Partial Differential Equations
- Fluid dynamics
- Grid creation

- LES simulation
- Smagorinsky turbulence model